About us
The Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV) values design as a professional sector which works to generate a positive business, cultural, environmental and social impact.

Defending the interests of design professionals and striving to address their needs, promoting the exchange of experiences, connection and learning between creatives in order to maintain the design sector in the Valencian Community cohesive. Carrying out our work by building partnerships with other collectives as well as with the corporate, public and social sectors.
From among our almost 300 members, we have 6 National Design Prizes and approximately twenty Valencian companies which are among the most representative of Spanish design.
Promoting design as a process of creation whose purpose is to address issues, increase the competitiveness of companies and the well-being of people, and disseminating its multiple uses which foster innovation and the successful achievement of objectives.
Participating in both in decision-making groups and in the creation of interdisciplinary projects, providing the strategic vision of design for the effective and efficient development of processes. The ADCV carries out its activity primarily at a regional level (Valencian Community) but also likewise at a national (READ) and European (BEDA) level.
The Association of Designers of the Valencian Community is made up of professional designers, design students and teachers and a few organisations, and we work together with a solid commitment to improving the environment in which we live through design.
The ADCV is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985 with the objective of defending and promoting the profession.
Developing from this association pioneering projects which promote the use of design and endow visibility to its strategic nature that ensures quality, effective and efficient processes.
Likewise endeavouring to keep our members apprised through continuous training and information, and this is done through mailings and social networks, publications, courses and seminars.
We are based in Las Naves, an innovation centre belonging to Valencia City Council. Participating from here in the organisation of activities and the provision of content to the centre, which is why so we feel fully involved in this project that we consider essential for the city.
Our open and receptive disposition means that we liaise closely with organisations such as the Spanish Network of Design Associations (READ), and the Bureau of European Design Associations (BEDA). It is in these areas, extraneous to the Valencian Community, that the ADCV has gained wide recognition for the quality and consistency of the association’s actions.
Another aspect, noteworthy is our collaboration with Organisations related to innovation or business clusters, and more particularly with the organisation of Valencia World Design Capital 2022. We are the association that is promoting the candidacy and are part of the steering committee of this project which defends design as one of the identifying features of a prosperous, inclusive, creative, sustainable and resilient city.
Participating from the ADCV in the institutional, social or corporate processes which we consider relevant to ensure the dignity of design professionals. In this fashion, maintaining a clear position against speculative work tenders, such as for example, open tenders that are not considerate to professionals and do not ensure a result with the level of quality required for the commission.
We work to demonstrate the value of design as a means of generating social and economic wealth. To this end, we work on different actions and collaborate on several projects.
Should you wish to learn more about our most relevant projects: See Noteworthy Projects
READ is the Spanish Network of Graphic, Interior and Product Design Associations (READ by its Spanish acronym), is a Spanish non-profit organisation with nationwide activity and international projection, set up for the coordination and integration of the national community of designers. It is made up of 11 Spanish associations
- AAD, Asociación Andaluza de Diseñadores
- ADA, Asociación de Diseñadores Gráficos de Aragón
- ADCV, Asociación de Diseñadores de la Comunidad Valenciana
- Cuenca Diseño
- DAG, Asociación Galega de Deseñadores;
- DiEx, Asociación de Diseñadores de Extremadura;
- DIMAD, Asociación Diseñadores de Madrid;
- DIP, Asociación de Profesionales del Diseño y la Comunicación Publicitaria de la Región de Murcia;
- DIS, Asociación de Diseñadores Gráficos de Soria
- EIDE, Asociación del Diseño Vasco.
- La Exprimidora
READ, has the objectives of disseminating design culture, promoting and providing greater visibility to the sector activity, strengthening the position of design professionals and contributing to the transformation of the economic fabric, establishing more competitive and efficient relationships and fostering situations of social encounter.
READ’s consolidated values are the large number of associate designers it brings together and the wide geographical distribution of the associations which make same up. In addition to this, is its commitment to digital, co-creation, “glocal” activity, a commitment to professional excellence and a triple bottom line perspective (economic, social and ecological).
To learn more about this Network of Design Associations, visit its website.
Committed to design
The ADCV is aware of the responsibility of design to create a positive impact. Our objective is to generate social and economic wealth. And we do so in an innovative manner, using design to address problems by putting people first, and likewise at the finishing line. Connecting visions and cultures. Creating bridges between technology and humanity. Stemming environmental degradation by being the motor of circular economy. Creating liveable, friendly and coherent environments. And offering strategic vision to turn problems into opportunities.
We as designers have the difficult task of tackling social and productive challenges by offering solutions through new ideas, products and languages which foster innovation. Design enables us to address these changes and improvements in order to foster business growth and further the well-being of society by taking care of the planet.
ADCV Team + Board of Directors
Maria Navarro
Yolanda Laguna
Technical Secretary
Romina Jaimovich
Project coordinator
Yolanda Herráiz
Ramón Arnau
Juanma Gallego
Vicente Gallega
Sabina Alcaraz
Board member
Marcelo Alegre
Board member
Ana Francés
Board member
Melani Lleonart
Board member
César Martínez
Board member
Rosana Monrós
Board member
Juliane Petri
Board member
Lorena Sayavera
Board member
Javi Tortosa
Board member
Decalogue Objectives & Principles
To add value and promote design.
To defend and dignify the profession.
To endow visibility to and disseminate innovative projects.
To reinforce and foster participation.
To discover and establish relationships as a collective.
To recognise and reward excellence in the sector.
To facilitate and share professional synergies.
To guarantee and foster best practices.
To create and extend external partnerships.
To promote and strengthen the public presence of design.
The Association of Designers of the Valencian Community (ADCV) has a lengthy history, which began with its founding in 1985 by industrial and/or graphic design professionals. At present, it is a group of professionals from various design disciplines, not only product and graphic, among which are: digital product designers, space designers, experience designers, art and creative directors, strategic consultants, design managers,…